Dried Sweet Potato Hash Browns
  1. One serving is ½ cup sweet potatoes.
  2. Cover the hash browns in water, then soak for 5 minutes. Hot water is ideal, but cold is fine. Remember that using untreated water is a bad idea.
  3. Drain off any extra water.
  4. Heat a pan to medium-high heat. Using plenty of coconut or olive oil, cook the hash browns, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking. Add salt and pepper (NOT AIP) to taste. If you like your hash browns nicely browned, don't stir too much. Ample oil will help prevent sticking.
  5. Eat right away; they get cold fast and are best hot off the pan!
Recipe by Backcountry Paleo at https://www.backcountrypaleo.com/dried-sweet-potato-hash-browns/