Simple Kale and Chard Chips
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Recipe type: Vegetable
  • 1 bunch black kale or any color chard
  • sea salt
  1. Wash the chard or kale.
  2. Cut out the lower half of the stems (or the whole thing if you like).
  3. Cut the leaves into roughly 4"x4" pieces.
  4. Steam in a pot briefly till the leaves just start to get tender.
  5. Remove from pot and drain well.
  6. Lay out on deydrator trays with just a bit of space between leaves.
  7. Sprinkle lightly with salt.
  8. Dry at 125°F for 1 hour or until crunchy and light..
  9. Store in an airtight, light-proof container in a cool, dark place.
Recipe by Backcountry Paleo at