Plantain Coconut Pancakes for the Trail
  1. Add the ⅔ cup treated water to the eggs and let sit for five minutes. Stir occasionally. The mix should total about ¾ cup, and will not resemble freshly beaten eggs.
  2. Put the 1 cup of water on the stove to heat it. It’s important for this water not to be cold – hot water helps the dry coconut milk in the mix dissolve best.
  3. In a bowl, add the rehydrated eggs to the dry ingredients, and mix well until it forms a thick paste.
  4. Remove the hot water from the stove, and put your fry pan on. Set to medium-high, and add a bit of oil for cooking.
  5. Add ONE HALF of the hot water to the mix. Stir till even. This will make for thick pancakes (you’ll get about 4 thick ones from the batch).
  6. If you want thin cakes, add more hot water a TBS at a time, until the desired consistency is reached (adding 2 more TBS will produce about 6 thin cakes).
  7. Test the pan by tossing a drop of water on – it should sizzle like a hot summer night in in the bayou. Now turn it down a bit.
  8. Pour enough mix on the pan to make a 4” cake. Allow the bottom to get golden brown, then flip and cook to perfection.
  9. Top with your favorite toppings; maple syrup, honey, nut butter (not strict AIP), applesauce, sliced fruit, etc.
Recipe by Backcountry Paleo at